Wednesday, August 4, 2010

ponderings on the past & present

funny how when you see people from your past it stirs up a lot of emotions in you, good or bad depending on the memories you associate with them.
also sometimes makes me wonder about the choices i made in my life and how different it would have looked had i made different ones.
sometimes i wish that life had a rewind button and you could go back and redo things in life and see how differently it would have turned out
then i think about now, and how i have become who i am by what i have been through. how i would not be the same person i am today had i made different choices, and how the good things in my life may not be.
it's ok to wonder as long as i don't dwell, to think of what ifs and play them out in my head as long as they don't take over, all the while remembering that i am creating my ideal and life just doesn't work out like see all i have learned and done as a result of all i have seen and experienced, and while i may have regrets, and may wish for second chances, i have a life that i have been created for, i have had "fires" that have begun to refine me into the person i am meant to be
the past is a good tool to remind me of who i was, old friends are to help me remember that and perhaps somethings i have lost that i need to reclaim, but the future is where i need to look all the while remembering what it took to get me there and that it is a journey until the end, a constant process, and while we don't often get second chances we always get an opportunity to learn and grow...those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it, and to that i say no thanks...i will continue to learn and grow as i embrace the future, accept my circumstances and learn to appreciate all that i have become and all i have been blessed with along the way.

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