Thursday, October 20, 2011
Thorns may hurt you, men desert you, sunlight turn to fog;but you're never friendless ever, if you have a dog.-We long for an affection altogether ignorant of our faults. Heaven has accorded this to us in the uncritical canine attachment. ~George Eliot
I think dogs are the most amazing creatures; they give unconditional love. For me they are the role model for being alive. ~Gilda Radner
Monday, April 18, 2011
eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die...
Often our own mortality slaps us in the face, whether it be the latest natural disaster, doomsday prophesy, death of someone we know, or even looking at patients in hospitals with no quality of life.
We are not guaranteed any time here on this earth, sometimes it just doesn't seem fair who stays and who goes.
So where does that leave us? We want to live each day to the fullest but we also have daily responsibilities, we can't all just quit work and do whatever we want to fulfill our greatest wishes and desires, but we can choose to live each day with a sense of purpose. To try to connect deeply with those around us and to be truly grateful for all we have. We may not get all we want but it is better to appreciate what we have than to waste our lives wishing for more and missing what's right in front of us.
I need to stop getting addicted to pointless facebook apps and deal with my own life, to stop getting so deeply involved in characters lives wanting to laugh and cry with them while neglecting those I have around me in real life. I need to take some risks and follow my passion. But most importantly I need to learn to LOVE. To get past my own selfish desires and feelings and to pour out love on those around me because that is what life is all about. I need to learn how to show love to those around me in ways they need and to do it.
There is no greater love than to lay down one's life for one's friends. (John 15:13 NLT)
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Monday, September 27, 2010
yet i know that living in the hypothetical or wishing things away doesn't work.
my life is what it is, some things i cannot change while others i have the choice to change.
my life is what i make it amidst the circumstances i have been forced to deal with, good or bad. i always have a choice, and i think that i often forget that. so often i allow others and what they think and do negate my power of choice.
there will always be consequences in life that i will have to deal with through no direct choice of my own, all choices have a ripple effect whether or not we see it. i have been well aware of this for sometime now which i also feel impedes my ability to make decisions, as i am so worried about the ripples that some decisions are almost crippling.
one thing i know is that life gets overwhelming, but i have to just take it one step at a time; a painting begins with a single stroke and as more are added it becomes more than what it was.
same with life, make a small change and continue from there and you will eventually end up with something beautiful, maybe not exactly as you envisioned it but still a work of art.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
ponderings on the past & present
also sometimes makes me wonder about the choices i made in my life and how different it would have looked had i made different ones.
sometimes i wish that life had a rewind button and you could go back and redo things in life and see how differently it would have turned out
then i think about now, and how i have become who i am by what i have been through. how i would not be the same person i am today had i made different choices, and how the good things in my life may not be.
it's ok to wonder as long as i don't dwell, to think of what ifs and play them out in my head as long as they don't take over, all the while remembering that i am creating my ideal and life just doesn't work out like see all i have learned and done as a result of all i have seen and experienced, and while i may have regrets, and may wish for second chances, i have a life that i have been created for, i have had "fires" that have begun to refine me into the person i am meant to be
the past is a good tool to remind me of who i was, old friends are to help me remember that and perhaps somethings i have lost that i need to reclaim, but the future is where i need to look all the while remembering what it took to get me there and that it is a journey until the end, a constant process, and while we don't often get second chances we always get an opportunity to learn and grow...those who do not learn from history are destined to repeat it, and to that i say no thanks...i will continue to learn and grow as i embrace the future, accept my circumstances and learn to appreciate all that i have become and all i have been blessed with along the way.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
i think especially when you have pretty much lost all hope it will latch on and ride out any semblance of hope that it sees, making it vulnerable and susceptible to being broken when the dream becomes a reality. yet it can justify things with a nothing ventured, nothing gained mentality yelling, "Life is pain, Highness. anyone who says differently is selling something" least feeling pain is better than being numb and hope is always better than fear. but i think sometimes there is something that hits you and holds you and it just seems right....naive, optimistic and hopelessly romantic....potentially a ridiculously bad combination but i guess that i would rather live to believe in the possibility of love than to be stuck as a bitter cynic who guards their heart so tightly no one can get in and bitterness spews out.
sometimes you just have to let go and enjoy the ride.....wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
Monday, June 21, 2010
it's not all black and white, but gray isn't my color
i am full of them. it seems as though i am either black or white, although i do appreciate the gray area..but mostly it is when i am trying to convince myself that something is not entirely wrong....
then of course if i am not sure about things i research, and any research tends to have an equally compelling counter argument and i feel as though i am no further ahead because both sides make valid and convincing points and are backed up. while i know that some things in life are very black and white there is often room for interpretation and it is also generally circumstantial.
my head spins analyzing it all.
it makes it complicated to explain myself and who i am and how i am. and as much as i know what i believe and mostly why i believe it, i find it hard to explain to others...guess it is good that i am not a flat character, however i think i worry that because i am so all over the map and up down, left right and everything in between that relationships of any sort are difficult. i am either full of energy or slugging it, happy or miserable, and there is not often middle ground..but sometimes it can change in a 10 minute span....there are lots of thing i wish i was, and lots of ways i would like to be, and while i know that we are masters of our own change and it is our choices and behaviors, i still think that we were designed to think a certain way and behave a certain way for a reason and going outside of and beyond that is messing with something and similar to putting on a mask. generally people who try to do things to change and improve themselves tend to fail after a while because it is not who they are and they get tired of pretending. this is not to say that improvements cannot or should not be made, because i also know that some things are a learned behavior and those can be adapted while staying true to who you are .. i guess it really comes down to knowing who you are as a person, really truly down in your core....finding out the roots of certain behaviors and embracing the things that make you unique and who you are, and finding all the things that are not working and adapting them to your life in your own way. (all the while realizing that you will constantly struggle with your sinful urges and those are something you are meant to overcome, the good thing is we are told we don't have to do that alone)
so while i am stuck fighting the black and white mentality i seem to be stuck in a puddle of gray, but it's not all bad i suppose i can just add some