Friday, March 21, 2008


i find it funny that the things that annoy you about others are often things that you are fighting yourself, and when you actually examine the situation more closely you realize that often what bugs you about others are the things that bug you about yourself, unless it is a need which is not being met.
For me my issue today is inconsistency, I have someone in my life who is consistently inconsistent, and if frustrates me to no end, and yet today i realized that i have problems with consistency, not necessarily in the same way, but inconsistency issues none the less, maybe that is why it bugs me so much or perhaps it is my need for security and having at least a general idea of a plan. (this stems from other issues which may or may not show up later, as i still have not decided how much personal detail i will divulge).
so is it hypocritical of me to expect consistency of this person when i myself struggle with consistency (not necessarily with this person though)?

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